the news
Gnomonics is the field of astronomy that deals with sundials. Gnomon comes from the greek 'gnomon', with the meaning of 'the one who judges' or 'the one who points', and is used to indicate the stylus that casts the shadow on the face of a sundial.
The history of the sundials goes a long way since the history of time is the story of civilization.
The evolution of these conventions is a cultural, artistic and scientific trail of great relief that has produced a substantial amount of instruments, involved ingenious minds and developed a chapter of science: the gnomonic.
In the twentieth century watchmaking had produced a cultural reversal: from the wonder that a mechanical clock could mark the time correctly as indicated by a sundial we moved to the surprise, very contemporary, that a sundial could keep pace with our technological watches, everywhere diffused but ambassadors of an unrecognized source of information: that of sundials.
Since the end of the last century sundials have experienced a major revival, not only for the revaluation and the rediscovery of historical heritage but also because gnomonics has avant-garde expressions which make it a living language, able to compete with the metropolitan contexts, with the urban design of our time and with original time indications.
There are many approaches that can fascinate and uncover the unexpected world of sundials, I have identified in mathematics and design the most intriguing aspects, this research has produced a visionary gallery titled Gnomonica Fantastica (fantastic gnomonics): provocations, ideas and projects to face the time.
If these visions are suggesting something to you, if you are thinking to the urban design or to an entertainment work, if you are looking forward for it, contact me, I collaborate and I provide support to those who designs and makes sundials.
Fabio Savian
Paderno Dugnano, Milano, Italy
the international register of sundials
the italian magazine about gnomonics
Nonvedolora (to look forward to something) is an expression of enthusiasm linked to the flow of time
Non vedo l'ora (I don't know what time it is) because the Sun doesn't rise in the WEB
but non vedo l'ora (I'm looking forward to it) because the WEB is an incredible opportunity to talk about gnomonics.
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